Jan 2, 2017


Welcome to Asia’s leading online fashion destination!

Shopping online at for fashion means the days of trawling through huge gigantic malls (those tiring walks to and fro) and stores (they are all the same mostly) to find that perfect fashion item are long gone.

Whether you are searching for clothing, footwear, accessories or beauty products, active muslimah collection brings you a huge selection of brands so you can buy the very best and latest; be it shoes, sneakers, espadrilles, heels, sandals for women, wedges, even shirts, tudung, maxi dress, jubah, swimwear, shorts, underwear, lingerie and accessories like jewelry and bags.

Indulge yourself with personal care products, beauty aids, make-up, hairstyling aids and get a hold of this season’s best colors for eye make-up, nail polish and more!

At Hijab Store, we believe your online shopping experience should be better than your offline experience!